Friday, October 21, 2011


As Futurist, my organization currently is constantly searching all types of media to learn the direction that programs, social services, are moving, so that we can effectively respond to the needs of the community.We must constantly check our position. We can do that by working through a 1-2-or 3 year plan with milestones and then checking our milestones against the current climate to make sure the product we deliver is still relevant. Should we need to change course from our strategic design we, should build in the ability to be flexible without destroying our infrastructure.

We currently possess a young staff which is very technology savvy, easily able to adapt to change and eager to lead in  the non-profit community in San Diego.

We must make sure we possess the technology that keeps us current and  understand the driving forces in our industry.


  1. Hi Kathie,

    I really like the constant checking piece of scenario. so often we hammer out a plan, file it away and forget about it. when something like that happens, all the hard work and time people put into a project is wasted.

    it sounds like you have a great staff with a lot of potential; they are lucky to have you as their leader!

  2. I agree that revisiting our plans frequently is important--things are changing so fast! Makes it hard for organizations to make decisions about where to put their resources--we don't want to choose technology that then becomes obsolete.

  3. You are wise to consider how a "young" staff can help bring technology to the forefront. Using technology to them is like learning to walk. It is just a natural progression. They do it without thinking. For some of us who did not grow up in the computer age, it takes more discipline.

  4. What types of media are you reviewing? What is one issue that your research is telling you you need to plan to address?

  5. Review the questions in the prompt and write to each one of those about the particular topic on which you are working.
