Saturday, October 8, 2011

Speak Up Findings: Mobile Technologies

You know your kids master the art of texting, but do you really understand the magnitude of possibilities that using a smart phone offers students. It appears the kids have a much better grasp than parents, teachers and administrators. Listen to the finding compiled by Project Tomorrow and you be the judge of what the future holds.


  1. mobile learning devices, MLD's, can be sucha powerful tool in the classroom. The onus is on educators to expand the learning possibilitis for our students.

  2. I too was surprised at the percentage of middle school students who own smart phones. These tools should be welcomed in today's classrooms.

  3. I like your "sales pitch." This technology is definitely a place where "kids have a better grasp than their parents, teachers, and administrator." I certainly admit that I am behind and running to catch up.
